A Long and Winding Road: Creating a Digital Hong Kong Collection at the University of Hong Kong Libraries

Yiu Chuen Wan(尹耀全)-Services Team Leader at Main Library, University of Hong Kong Libraries
Co-author with Iris Chan

It has been some 15 years since Hung On-To Memorial Library (Hong Kong Collection) of the University of Hong Kong Libraries conducted its first digitization experiment. A set of Hong Kong Fact Sheets, which was published by the government to provide useful information about Hong Kong on a comprehensive range of topics, was scanned and mounted on the library website. The library then jumped on the digitization bandwagon and since that time, has embarked on a variety of projects to make available its printed contents on the web. Now on the library webpage users are able to access to full-text of selected Hong Kong publications, search table of contents of Hong Kong materials and retrieve indexes of special Hong Kong collections. This presentation will take stock of the efforts made by the library in providing digital Hong Kong contents over the past fifteen years. It will also discuss on the problems and difficulties encountered in digitizing local collections, some of which may be equally relevant in other parts of the world. The presentation will conclude with a look into the future, particularly suggestions to further enhance the collection.