Kylie Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Library Coordinators Portal webpage has been designed to facilitate and provide access to an array of information related to collection development functions that assist Library Coordinators, a group made up of academic unit representatives, and Liaison Librarians, to contribute expertise in their various disciplines in a more
informed, efficient and effective manner. The conventional lengthy manual book selection process has revolutionized the introduction of this online book selection system, which is being widely used by the Library Coordinators and Liaison Librarians to markedly reduce the manpower involved in ordering and checking.
In addition, e-information has recently been gaining widespread popularity amongst library users owing to its speedy and convenient access. Swift technological advancement and the rapid evolution of electronic resources have confronted users, particularly first-time users, with daunting technical complexity when accessing
electronic resources in libraries. These technical issues may leave some users feeling helpless and discouraged. Online tutorials were developed in the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Library to support the e-learning environment and to address the issue of information literacy as an integral part of the learning process. The user
friendly interactive module has proven itself as an essential tool to encourage self-paced access and asynchronous learning.
Intranet and document management systems have also been implemented within the HKBU Library, thus greatly enhancing efficient communication amongst staff, improving efficiency of workflow and roster scheduling, ensuring proper information management and providing secure control and retention of the information in a
broader and shared access. These measures have helped to direct attention and resources to where they are needed within the library.
In conclusion, the introduction of the online tutorial for the users, of the online selection system via Library Coordinators’ Portal webpage, of the Intranet and of the document management system has, with the aid of recent advances in the computing 2005 PRDLA presentation technology, facilitated the smooth and efficient running of the Library and achieved a much desired organizational agility.
Presentation is not available at this time.