2019 Annual Meeting Poster Session
By 2019 Karl Lo Award Recipients Ownership Stamp Analyzation Project [PDF]LI Yanlin, Special Collection Librarian, Fudan University Library Special Collections Leveraging Scholarly APIs for Bulk
By 2019 Karl Lo Award Recipients Ownership Stamp Analyzation Project [PDF]LI Yanlin, Special Collection Librarian, Fudan University Library Special Collections Leveraging Scholarly APIs for Bulk
PRDLA is pleased to announce that the Karl Lo Award has been presented to Beth Tillinghast, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library. Ms. Tillinghast is the lead librarian on the Library’s/University’s institutional repository, and on the Scholarly Communication/Open Access team.
PRDLA is pleased to announce that the Karl Lo Award has been presented to Paolina Martin, Singapore Management University, and to Patrick Pu, National University
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