Category: Reports

Digital Preservation in MBP

This presentation will introduce the storage structure of the Million Book Project and discuss how to
deal with large capacities (about 100TB.) It will also highlight the problems encountered and the plans to solve the problems.

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Putting Collections on the Map: the USC Digital Archive and Geographic Information Systems Prototype Project

The USC Digital Archive, presented at the 2004 PRDLA meeting, now contains 132,000 publicly available digital images and metadata displayed via a newly designed user interface. The focus remains on the presentation of local, area, state, US and Pacific Rim-related content, searchable across all collections or by individual collection. A recently completed prototype project tested whether efficient, appropriate spatial search tools could be easily integrated into the Digital Archive. The project has resulted in three new services–a clickable map, a gazetteer, and a geocoder—that provide new filters for guiding the identification and selection of content.

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Hawaiian Language Newspapers: Crafting a Digital Key to the Cache

Hawaiian language newspapers were published for over 100 years in the Hawaiian Kingdom and into the Territory era. Originally the domain of missionaries and government agencies, independent newspapers began in 1861 and flourished well into the 20th century. These newspapers engaged the entire Hawaiian-speaking population and became the repository for public discourse and cultural knowledge of the Hawaiians throughout that era. This many-faceted resource remained largely inaccessible until recent changes in digital technology opened new possibilities and generated intense interest.

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Toward an Institutional Respository at the Data Service of NDAP

An institutional repository (IR), a concept of open access, is to capture, preserve and make available as much of the research output of an institution as possible. In the Data Service of the National Digital Archives Program (NDAP-DS) setting, an IR can serve a place for project member technical reports and publications. The NDAP-DS, a hybrid of the library and archives, aims to offer information resources and preserve archival materials for the NDAP members and the public. This study discusses the development and implementation of the IR for the NDAP-DS, which is based on the combination of institutionally defined and subject-oriented models for content acquisition.

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Who Owns What? Negotiating Intellectual Property, Digital Assets, and Information Access

Libraries digitize in order to put information more readily into the hands of the users they serve. Depending on the nature of the institution and its mission, that constituency could be limited; or, in the case of a public university library, it could be extended beyond campus boundaries to citizens in the community, state, or nation. Collectors—individual and institutional—derive their value and prestige from what they own; their interest is in protecting their investment. For libraries, however, value derives from whether and how the constituencies they serve use their collections. How do libraries building digital collections negotiate between protecting intellectual property and enabling useful access? How do libraries provide users with the information they need to determine “appropriate” use?

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