Category: Reports

Wikipedia and Semantic Document Representation

This talk will introduce the process of “wikification”; that is, automatically and judiciously augmenting a plain-text document with pertinent hyperlinks to Wikipedia articles — as though the document were itself a Wikipedia article. We first describe how Wikipedia can be used to determine semantic relatedness, and then introduce a new, high-performance method of wikification that exploits Wikipedia’s 60 M internal hyperlinks for relational information and their anchor texts as lexical information, using simple machine learning.

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One Year After: Digital Developments @ Otago

This presentation discusses data management within the context of the University of Otago. It follows up on the Library’s Biodiversity Data Management Project that ended in mid 2009 and was the theme of a presentation at PRDLA 2008. “One year after” will report the final outcomes of the project and provide a profile on other digital and e-research initiatives at the University of Otago in which the Library is participating.

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Oceania Digital Library: Hawaii’s Digital Memory Collections

The current status of University of Hawaii at Manoa Library Pacific-related image collections, the Pacific Collection future plans and wish lists for digitization of additional collections and their relationship with existing collections in the ODiL will be described. Hawaii-related collections of images (Save our Surf) as well as text (Hawaiian Historical Society) will be highlighted and recent experiments with updating the Annexation of Hawaii web site and the UHM Library’s participation in the U.S. National Digital Newspaper Program will also be described.

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Next-Generation Technical Services

Next-Generation Technical Services (NGTS) is an initiative developed by the University of California Libraries as an outgrowth of the UC Libraries Bibliographic Services Task Force Report and a strategic partnership with OCLC to develop a “Next-Generation Melvyl” to re-architect the systemwide OPAC in order to transform the user experience of search and retrieval.

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Peking University Library: Digital Projects Updates

In 2008, out of the increased mass digitization demands of the University, the Library established the University Digitization Center and one of the two University Data Centers. The goals are to centralize the digitization activities on the campus, to discover and preserve the institutional information resources, and to reinforce implementation of standards and as well as cooperation among different units on the campus.

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Curating Faculty Research Data at UC Merced

As the newest of the ten-campus UC library system, the UC Merced Library is uniquely positioned to work with faculty and researchers to realize their visions of digital scholarship and to develop plans for long-term management of the digital assets they are creating. The library has collaborated with a number of UC Merced faculty on digital initiatives, which present a snapshot of the interests and needs of today’s scholars. This presentation will provide an on-the-ground look at the needs and approach to research data curation at UC Merced, as well as a birds-eye view, environmental scan of current data curation efforts.

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A Mission-Critical Hub; HKU’s IR Aligned with Mission & Vision

Proponents of IRs now find that by aligning the goals of the IR with those of the underlying institution, there is no more battle to be fought. At HKU, the Senior Management Team has recently re-articulated the institution’s mission and vision statements, to focus on three themes; 1) Teaching & Learning, 2) Research, and 3) Knowledge Exchange (KE). The HKU definition of KE includes the act of making HKU generated knowledge and skill sets accessible to business, government and the community.

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Landscaping Taiwan’s Cultural Commonwealth: The Making of TELDAP Collection Level Descriptions

The “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program” (TELDAP) was officially launched on January 1, 2008. TELDAP is aimed to digitize national cultural treasures, including archaeology, archives, artifacts, calligraphy and paintings, flora and fauna, rare books, and other cultural assets, to cultivate popular e-learning culture, to encourage innovation in e-learning research, and to lay a cornerstone for Taiwan’s e-learning and digital content industries

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Baskets of Knowledge: Digital Collaboration in New Zealand

Being a small country of four million people at the end of the world has its advantages and disadvantages, where the six degrees of separation is often reduced to two. One positive is that “all of country” initiatives are much more manageable than in some larger countries, although budgets are considerably smaller. This presentation showcases some of those national digital and digitisation projects such as Matapihi, KRIS, Digital New Zealand and the National Digital Forum, discusses issues around heritage and indigenous content, and asks questions generally about the nature of collaboration both within the library community and across other sectors.

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A Case Study of the Regional Digital Library Development in China

Ningbo Digital Library (NBDL) is the first joint digital library project across the three types of libraries in the nation, cosponsored by the three local government agencies, Bureau of Education, Bureau of Culture, Radio & TV, Press and Publication, and Bureau of Science & Technology. There are 18 individual libraries, including 16 academic libraries, 1 public library system (the city library and the subordinate public libraries at county and community levels) and 1 special library (the city information institute) join the project. The goal of the project is to digitize the local cultural, sci-tech, industrial and educational resources, integrate the born digital materials of the participating institutions and local enterprises, develop several special databases with local characteristics, establish a unified portal and serve the local industries, education and research institutions, and the citizens as well.

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From Gutenberg (The Project) To Kindle: The Evolution Of A Digital Library

This presentation analyzes the nine-year experience of an academic digital library, e-Asia, which now holds over 4,000 items. In many respects, the e-Asia library is a long-running experiment. Yet the project is mature enough to provided lessons in what to do (and what not to do) when digital text is the focus of collection building. Unlike traditional libraries where, over time, books migrate to and from their shelves, digital libraries hold content that remains relatively immobile while it is the digital “shelves” that change and migrate over time.

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