Category: Reports

Open Access, Modernity, and Culture Change

The broad topic of the paper is digital and intellectual property rights management and the open access movement. These will have an enormous impact on the dissemination of very current research at costs far below those charged by commercial publishers, in some cases at no charge. This reformation of scholarly communication processes will allow very rapid advancement of developing nations, and may bring beneficial as well as detrimental change to those nations and the rest of the world. My approach will be from the perspective of a librarian with a doctoral degree in cultural anthropology.

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Otago Biodiversity Research Data Management Project

A 12-month University of Otago Library feasibility project aims to examine some of the key challenges and potentials of managing, curating and sharing digital and digitized research data from our own academic institution. The Project is ‘wrapped around’ the context of biodiversity or ‘biological diversity of life’. (New Zealand is an internationally recognised ‘biodiversity hotspot’ with a high number of globally unique and threatened species.)

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Digital Han Dynasty Project

The Digital Han Dynasty Project involves the reconstruction of Homer Dubs unpublished works on the
Han dynasty by scholars located in different locations, but linked digitally. The presentation will cover the hardware and software used, and the concrete “products” and associated spin-offs emerging during the course of this project.

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Challenges and Practical Issues of Transition from Analog Slides to the Digital Collection

A new digital library for medical students is established by digitizing analog slides from the personal teaching collection of the medical school faculty. More than 132,000 slides from 15 professors in medical school were collected and transformed into digital contents from July 2002 to 2004. Metadata of those slides were built by professors and medical students. An initial set of 57,000 slides is considered to have a reasonable quality of metadata and used for service now.

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