Category: Reports

E-preservation for Academic Events (VOD) and Insect Collection

Seoul National University (SNU) Library has more than 20 digital collections including rare books, archives, music AOD and medical slides. This digital content is available as part of an integrated system ( within the library, as well as via six other websites that are open to the public. Two of the most popular components of the digital library system are the VOD of Academic Events ( and the Insect Collections (

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Collaboration as a Key to the Setting up of a ‘Digital Registry for Chinese Publication’

Chinese culture has a long history of written records in paper form. There are at least 3 million Chinese rare books (published from 960 to 1911 A.D.) located in Mainland China and Taiwan, over 300,000 volumes in Europe and 900,000 volumes in the United States. Recently, libraries and commercial entities have initiated a massive digitization of Chinese publications. This calls for a ‘Digital Registry’ to record what has already been digitized, and what is going to be digitized, so that the technology and experience can be shared and the duplication of effort avoided.

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The Digital Map of Hydropower Station in China

Wuhan University Library is providing access to the invaluable content of hydropower resources in the form of a GIS digital map. Based on the specialty of data organization, display mode and retrieval strategy, this presentation will examine three areas related to digital maps.

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NCC Information Literacy Portal Site Development

The mission of the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC) is to promote the exchange of ideas, contacts and resources to facilitate access to Japanese materials. This includes providing librarians and users with training in digital resources, assisting in the expansion of services in smaller institutions, promoting collaborations to increase the international sharing of scholarly materials and developing programs that cross regional and disciplinary borders.

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