Martha Chantiny – Library Information Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa
The current status of University of Hawaii at Manoa Library Pacific-related image collections including the Steve Thomas Traditional Voyaging, George Grace and Margo Duggan collections, all posted to the web using the OAI harvestable Streetprint Digital Library software, and the Henry P. Edmunds and William A. Bryan photographs of Rapanui and the venerable Trust Territory Archive photo collection will be discussed. The Pacific Collection future plans and wish lists for digitization of additional collections and their relationship with existing collections in the ODiL will be described. Hawaii-related collections of images (Save our Surf) as well as text (Hawaiian Historical Society) will be highlighted and recent experiments with updating the Annexation of Hawaii web site and the UHM Library’s participation in the U.S. National Digital Newspaper Program will also be described. Thoughts (possibly scandalous or heretical) about the ODiL portal in light of very new developments such as the World Digital Library and slightly older initiatives such as the UNESCO Memory of the World Committee for Asia/Pacific may be voiced.
Presentation [ PPT ]