The University of Hong Kong: Two Project Updates

Peter Sidorko, Deputy University Librarian, The University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong Libraries has begun two initiatives this year employing IT to improve its services to readers:
Rare Book Digitisation Project. The Libraries have allowed the iGroup to set up a scanning shop in its Main Library. Initially it will be used to scan 4,000 western language monographs in its rare book collection dealing mainly with China. It will then be used for other special collections projects. Ultimately it is expected that this shop will be used to create e-books for other libraries in Hong Kong and southeast Asia. In this presentation examples of books scanned and the types of products which will then be produced from these images will be included.
RFID: The Libraries have partnered with the university’s own E-Business Technology Institute (ETI), IBM, and Tagsys to employ RFID technology in 1.3 million volumes in its Main Library. In this presentation information will be given on the challenges which have been overcome in this project and the benefits we hope to achieve from this significant expenditure of funding.
Presentation (PDF)