Challenges and Practical Issues of Transition from Analog Slides to the Digital Collection

Jeong-Wook Seo, Seoul National University
A new digital library for medical students is established by digitizing analog slides from the personal teaching collection of the medical school faculty. More than 132,000 slides from 15 professors in medical school were collected and transformed into digital contents from July 2002 to 2004. Metadata of those slides were built by professors and medical students. An initial set of 57,000 slides is considered to have a reasonable quality of metadata and used for service now.
Practical issues include technical method for their use during lectures and accumulation of recent content produced by daily practice at the hospital.
To increase the use of the digital content, students are advised to use several groups of available image contents to compare the quality and then present to colleague students. New images from case conferences at the hospital are added to the collection.
Continuous efforts are being made to improve the quality of the data, particularly using the scoring system for analysis of quality of data, collection of contents from patients through the electronic medical records, and invitation of contents from other medical schools in Korea and other countries.
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