E-preservation for Academic Events (VOD) and Insect Collection

Mihyang Kim, Seoul National University
Seoul National University (SNU) Library has more than 20 digital collections including rare books, archives, music AOD and medical slides. This digital content is available as part of an integrated system (http://sdl.snu.ac.kr) within the library, as well as via six other websites that are open to the public. Two of the most popular components of the digital library system are the VOD of Academic Events (http://event.snu.ac.kr) and the Insect Collections (http://insect.snu.ac.kr). The VOD of Academic Events began providing event information in 2001. When the library collects event information, it also requests permission to take pictures of the event and to service VODs to the public. This allows the Library to collect and disseminate information, which is essential to developing academic content. Its metadata provides event type information and its metadata formats are classified under three categories: conferences, sessions and articles, which are further classified into groups or single articles. The Insect Collections provide information and pictures related to insects. Compared to other online insect collections, SNU’s collections provide high-quality pictures that have been captured with a camera mounted on a microscope. The website functions primarily as an access point to high-quality specimen images of insects and a retrieval system developed for taxonomists and general users. Its metadata is bound specifically to an insect taxonomy so that it meets taxonomists’ requests for information.
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