Tokiko Yamamoto Bazzell, University of Hawaii at Manoa
The mission of the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC) is to promote the exchange of ideas, contacts and resources to facilitate access to Japanese materials. This includes providing librarians and users with training in digital resources, assisting in the expansion of services in smaller institutions, promoting collaborations to increase the international sharing of scholarly materials and developing programs that cross regional and disciplinary borders.
Recognizing that rapid technological changes impact Japanese studies, the Japan Foundation Grant helped the NCC launch an E-Resources initiative in 2004. Its objective was to establish a national strategy for information literacy instruction with a focus on Japanese digital resources. In the first year of the E-Resources initiative, 33 Japanese studies librarians were trained as instructors in information literacy instruction. In the second year, development of the NCC Information Literacy Portal site began. The site was envisioned as a central training material repository for information literacy instructors; as a post-training follow-up tool, and as a self-study site on digital resources. It also provides a forum for individuals who wish to network with a wide-range of people working in the Japanese studies field. This presentation will introduce participants to the NCC’s Information Literacy Portal site.
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