Ya-ning Chen, Shu-jiun Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
An institutional repository (IR), a concept of open access, is to capture, preserve and make available as much of the research output of an institution as possible. In the Data Service of the National Digital Archives Program (NDAP-DS) setting, an IR can serve a place for project member technical reports and publications. The NDAP-DS, a hybrid of the library and archives, aims to offer information resources and preserve archival materials for the NDAP members and the public. However, the Data Service has confronted the challenges of providing information access for the NDAP members. The virtual organization nature of the NDAP causes that members are not convenient to get printed materials provided by the Data Service which centrally located in the Academia Sinica. Furthermore, access to the subscribed electronic publications makes members frustration due to the memorization of numerous sets of password.
This study discusses the development and implementation of the IR for the NDAP-DS, which is based on the combination of institutionally defined and subject-oriented models for content acquisition. It includes electronic resources subscribed by the NDAP-DS, and publications published by the members. The IR has focused on the need to ensure easy and reliable access to both internal and external information resources in terms of the topic of digital libraries. DSpace, an open source system, has been adopted for the IR. The study finally proposes recommendations for the further research in terms of collection development and heterogeneous system integration.
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