- 2016 Business Meeting
- PRL (Pacific Rim Library) Collection Development Working Group Update
- PRRLA | PRL Database Project Report
- The Research Library as Academic Technology Leader (Adriene Lim, U of Oregon)
- Revitalizing Library Space for 21st Century Teaching and Learning (Brian E.C. Schottlaender, UC San Diego)
- CUHK Library: transforming into a strategic asset for the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Louise Jones & Louisa Lam, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Strategic Alignment with University’s Priorities (Diana L.H. Chan, Hong Kong U of Science and Technology )
- Developing Vision and Strategy in an uncertain world (Sue Roberts, U of Auckland)
- Polymathy, Utopia, and Data Art in support of USC’s Strategic Vision (Catherine Quinlan & Hugh McHarg, University of Southern California)
- 21st Century information fluency (Jeff MacKie-Mason, UC Berkeley)
- Puzzles and Puzzlemakers (Rachel Buchanan, U of Melbourne)
- Facing Data Challenges: the Current Actions & Future Perspectives of Academic Libraries (Nie Hua, Peking U)
- Building Capacity to Support Research: the case at UC Merced Library (Haipeng Li & Emily Lin, UC Merced)
- From Collecting to Connecting: Berkeley’s Cooperative Programs with Asian-Pacific Partners to Enhance Library Resources and Services (Peter Zhou, UC Berkeley)
- Redefining inter-institutional library partnerships and collaborations (Jonathan Bengtson, U of Victoria)
- It Takes a Village: Building Global Collections and Communities (Ginny Steel, Todd Grappone, Su Chen, UCLA)