Building Infrastructure for Digitization, Discovery, and Access
Moderator: Jeffrey MacKie-Mason
- Opening the Network to Less-Visible Histories — Catherine Quinlan and Hugh McHarg, University of Southern California (United States)
- The Canadian Roadmap for Advancing Scholarly Communication — Jonathan Bengtson, University of Victoria (Canada)
- Expanding the Impact of Research Resource — Mary Elings, UC Berkeley (United States)
Access in a Networked World: Cross-Institution Cooperation and Collaboration
Moderator: Peter Zhou, UC Berkeley
- Climbing up the Unfathomable Mountain of Shared ILS: Experience Sharing from JULAC — Diana L. H. Chan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), Lisa Kwan, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), and Peter Sidorko, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
- “When Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build a Door” — Emily Lin and Jerrold Shiroma, UC Merced (United States)
Innovation and International Exchange among PRRLA Libraries
Moderator: Peter Zhou
- KLIB: A New Mobile app for Reserving and Managing Library Seats and Facilities at Korea University — Seongcheol Kim, Korea University (Korea)
- Library Exchange Program, a UCSD-Fudan Experience — Xi Chen, UC San Diego (United States)
Host presentation
- Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, University Librarian University of California, Berkeley Library
Pacific Rim Library Report
Digital Humanities, E-Learning, and E-Publishing across the Knowledge Lifecycle
Moderator: Peter Zhou
- Library and Digital Humanities: New Vision, New Role, and New Services — Hua Nie, Peking University (China)
- Beta Testing an OA Monograph Publishing Lab: Brainstorm Books at UCSB Library — Sherri L. Barnes and Eileen A. Joy, UC Santa Barbara (United States)
- Enhancing Information Literacy via MOOC and the Library’s i-Space — Shirley Chiu-wing Wong and Ivan Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
Digitization and Discovery: Access to Special Collections
Moderator: Peter Zhou
- Law Collection @ SMU Libraries: Raising the Bar for Access and Discovery — Shameem Nilofar Maideen, Singapore Management University (Singapore)
- Archives of Dealing with Earthquake Disasters in Japan: Great East Japan Great Earthquake — Marie Kobayashi, Tohoku University (Japan)
- Marsden Online: Bringing Records of New Zealand’s First Settlement to the World — Sharon Dell, University of Otago (New Zealand)